Hi - here I am again with quite a long break in between - I have been working on loads of stuff but nothing much that I can show yet! My little illustrated book is now finished and I cant wait to see it, but it will be a while before I can show it. I can however show the latest map I have created for Page and Moy's Discover Magazine - its of Hong Kong, I really loved this one what an incredible looking city! Hope to go there someday (my travel list is getting very long)
I have also been creating some little buildings for Bristol City Council to go on a new website about Bristol being a new trial open city - you can read about it here. I created a lot of buildings and backgrounds and then Lee Dorgan (a designer at Bristol City Council) has added in another couple of layers showing people and devices, it's all going to work as an animation with all the layers moving in different directions. I cant wait to see it all finished but here is a little taster.
Naomi Designs - Lee Dorgan
Another lot of work I can show are some Logos I created for a bike brand Merida - It's not something I would normally do but I really enjoyed it - it also required my work to be less girly and a lot more graphic - so see what you think.
Naomi Designs
I have a lot more designs/illustrations that I hope to show soon. There are some new christmas and baby card designs for Papercraft Magazine, some little postcards, a front cover for a seasonal brochure, a stationary design for WHSmiths and possibly some new little websites. So keep an eye out!
Meanwhile - a little bit of news about me, well my husband and me - we are expecting a baby at the beginning of February which is very exciting yay - we are also pretty petrified as it is our first child! I hope to keep working on my little illustration business as best I can but I'm not exactly sure how that will go but I will keep you all updated. Naomi x